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These are written comments that I received in letters and emails.  Verbal comments and survey replies are on the next page.


Non-profit Associate

Everyone seemed to enjoy it very much!


Building Value Associate

I thought the content was really important and I liked how to pace of the day moved.


Non-profit Client

Is it true that most people declare bankruptcy because of medical bills?


Hamilton County, Ohio Elected Official

This kind of education could change our whole approach to economic development.


Non-profit Client

Community problems are all connected by poverty.


Easter Seals Associate

Why don't they teach this kind of interesting stuff in school?


Non-profit Client

Now I finally understand why I should vote


References and Testimonials

Darlene Murphy · Program Director at YMCA of Greater Cincinnati - BLACK & LATINO ACHIEVERS

As a Youth Program Director I am always seeking new and creative ways to educate, nurture and transform young people. The Civics Day Camp was an excellent fit for our program; both youth and adult volunteers provided positive feedback on the material presented. Adults commented on how all parts of the pie were explained and how students were engaged -- brought life into the teachings. The camp teaches, explains and empowers everyone to work together in creating prosperous communities. Something worth considering for your group.


Michael J. Price, Author, Founder,, Cincinnati OH

Civics Day Camp, created by Mark Keillor is an innovative and effective way to teach economics and the power of local communities. When I was first introduced to his seminar I was very impressed with his energy, intellect, and how clearly he conveyed economic principles, which many PhD’s have a difficult time teaching to the average person. Today, economics is a lost language and many American’s don’t understand the importance of economics and the importance of their communities. It was Ludwiq von Mises who stated: “Economics must not be relegated to classrooms and statistical offices and must not be left to esoteric circles. It is the philosophy of human life and action and concerns everybody and everything. It is the pith of civilization and of man’s human existence.” I believe many people can benefit from this seminar, and in turn empower communities. This material should be taught in every local school in order to educate the youth of today. This seminar will reinvigorate the lost language of economics and produce a more prosperous community.


Jim Kinnett, Economic Development Consultant,  Indiana State University

I see a lot of communities out there that have a hit or miss approach to how they conduct Economic Development in their locale. Many times the right hand has no concept of what the left hand is doing. The Civics Day Camp process can change all of that by creating a sounding board and input that puts all citizens on the same page, from the elected official to the voter and to the student. Another benefit is that it provides for a common language when discussing Economic Development by making sure that everyone has the same definitions and understanding of the subject matter, in this case Economic Development.

Transparency is the goal and when everyone has an equal chance at providing input others will gain in the process. Students will have a better opportunity to understand the complexities in the economy while learning what really drives an economy. Elected officials will finally understand that they can't continue throwing money at problems but must get to the root cause of the problems that their communities are facing and the general public will learn that the private sector is not the ogre that many times it has been made out to be.

When open and constructive dialogue takes place with input from multiple sectors, the plan that evolves can be both effective and successful. The American Pie process puts in place the frame work to allow all of this to happen.


Alisson Holland, Pharmacist,  Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Butler University

Civics Day Camp is a great way to learn how to get the most out of your career, your community, and your country. The time commitment seems small compared to the benefits promised from this seminar. After 6 years of college, I still felt I did not have the best understanding of economics or some of the core developmental functions within a community. Thanks to Civics Day Camp, and it's straight forward, easy to understand approach, I truly feel like an educated member of my community and I can make valuable suggestions to my city leaders.


Jean Johannigman, Business owner, Greensburg, Indiana

This Civics Day CAmp plan of presentation is a knowledgeable , positively presented , tested program that appears to be focused on the true needs and order of those needs to have a successful economic environment that is conducive to that prosperity that every town is seeking and a very few accomplish.

Approaching the Civic groups etc. with a down to earth organized plan will win the understanding and the support of the taxpayers within the community to get behind and promote their community for this "economic prosperity goal" because someone has dedicated the time and the resources in helping them to understand what is needed and at what stage it it is needed.

In my opinion this program would give a community a real head start on that success.


 Rachel Kendal, Cincinnati (Dent), Ohio.    Retired teacher from Detroit, Michigan.

A few months ago, I attended a Civics Day Camp presentation on economic literacy by Mark Keillor at New Thought Unity Center and was very much impressed with the enthusiasm of the students there. It was a hands-on experience for them as they learned how money is generated and then spent for every-day living expenses. I believe most students could benefit from the American Pie program and would like to see it implemented in Cincinnati schools.

Jim Prues, President, Panoptic Media, Cincinnati, Ohio

While learning is a lifelong gift and challenge, Civics Day Camp is a fabulous way to punctuate the learning process, potentially exposing thousands of our sisters and brothers to a new way of thinking that enriches their lives and neighborhoods.

Connecting the dots is the great challenge of our time. Too long we've pretended that health, food, jobs, education, etc. are all separate aspects of our lives, and indeed they are. What we've forgotten is that even so, they're deeply connected...


Jean Johannigman, Business owner, Greensburg, Indiana

Understanding Economic Development is foreign to the average taxpaying person in a community. Many elected officials across this country also do not understand basic principles of Economic Development and what is needed for their communities to flourish.

All both of the above entities seem to know is that the key words "economic development" mean something good for their community and the American Pie Seminar explains and demonstrates this. They might even understand that "economic development" can mean jobs for their community. Good paying jobs.   These are but a few of the "down to earth" basics that the taxpayers and the governing bodies might be able to come together on and work together on in order to bring "economic prosperity" to their communities.

Ashley Weech, Researcher, University of Cincinnati  

What I see is the 'programmable' aspect to having this an option for all of our community. It could be a modular function that is integrated into existing models that are related to employment training, community leadership meetings. schools, universities, community colleges, special events, inner city groups, minority groups, non-profits, and the list is endless. It is flexible, practical, economically viable, and helps our community learn and grow.

Here we have an interesting real-life (and fun, actually) way to learn some basic skills.  The issue is that here is a nice fun way for our youngsters (with family in tow as well if they wish) to engage, practice, listen, reflect, share ideas, and learn some principles that will then go into their own personal knowledge-base for their future benefit as well as their community.

Our city really needs some change for the good in the economic development department when you compare ours with many other cities. This seminar is a good step in the right direction and its already formulated. This course and platform should be an on-going mechanism used by many to educate and create awareness. I only wish I had this in my high school days years ago.

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